
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Book Bunch: Mars Needs Moms!

Today The Book Bunch soared into out of space when we read Berkeley Breathed's Mars Needs Moms!

For our introductions we told our name and our favorite thing about space.We took turns reading the book and had a conversation about the way the character Milo feels about his mother. He used the words "tyrant" and Milo's very strong negative feelings about his mother in the beginning of the book. The group agreed that Milo shouldn't be meant to his mother and that his behavior was not nice.

They were very interested in how the aliens seemed to appreciate Milo's mom and discussed what they would do if they were him.

After we finished the book we compared the book to the movie. The group split in whether they liked the book or the movie better.

For our craft we attempted to make spaceships and aliens. I found a craft on Pinterest but didn't have enough supplies for our group.

We came up with an alternative using lids and paper cups. The results were not as...polished but they were fun.
An alien and his ship

A home for the Martians!

The Martians are landing!

A space ship and alien

We lifted the glitter ban to make lovely space ships

The Book Bunch meets Thursdays at 4:00 PM and is a book group for children aged 4-7.


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