
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wee Reads: Secret Agent Training

Agent R here to report on a special event for our Wee Reads group...Secret Agent Training! Our preschool group gathered to become the newest members of the Lansdowne Public Library elite spy guild. We started off with our regular stretches to help loosen limbs - just in case danger came about!  We then shifted focus to having recruits listen to spy themed books.

First up was I Spy Lightening in the Sky by Jean Marzollo, illustrated by Walter Wick. Our eagle eyed trainees found cunningly hidden pictures throughout the text. To prepare for the next book we practiced disguising our voices by screaming and then whispering the alphabet while learning the ASL alphabet. We used these skills to read Agent A to Agent Z by Andy Rash. Finally we practiced our acting skills and the art of being double agents when we took on characters from the Backyardiganns from the book Agent Secret.

Laser beams...careful!
Afterwards agents were charged with physical tasks. We set up laser beams in one of the aisles and agents had to make their way through! We perfected the art of disguise with phony mustaches. There was a scavenger hunt in the Family Room created to keep those sharp eyes, sharp.

At the end of the hour agents were all awarded a prize for completing the hunt as well as a secret code sheet to practice codes at home!

Books on spying, codes, and costumes were on display to help agents practice their craft at home.

Wee Reads is for ages 3-6 and meets Thursdays at 10:30 am. Join us for future quests.

Respectfully submitted by Agent R

Agent R

Agents Mario and Luigi

Scavenger hunters!

Our books held by an Agent 

A display of titles.
These were a question on the scavenger hunt

note: This blog post will self-destruct in five seconds! (kidding!)