Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Reading Prize Roundup!

Library Friends...
In addition to the Summer Reading Program offered at the Lansdowne Public Library there are other local programs that offer incentives to get you reward you for reading. Here is some information for some of the local programs.

Barnes and Nobles

The Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program is here to help you on your way, encouraging you to read books of your own choosing and earn a FREE book, simply by following these three easy steps:

1. Read any eight books this summer and record them in this Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Imagination’s Destination Journal. Be sure to let us know to whom you would recommend each book, and why.

2. Bring your completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between May 24th and September 6th, 2011.

3. Choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured on the back of the journal. (Click on the link above)

TD Bank

It’s easy! Here’s what they need to do:

Read 10 books this summer

Write down the names of the books they've read in the Summer Reading Form (click on the link above)

Print and take the form to your nearest TD Bank to get $10

$10 will be deposited into a new or existing Young Saver Account

LaLa's Sweets 'n' Treats

Want a sweet treat? Read ten books (or have ten books read to you) and then stop by for a coupon for Lala's Sweets 'n' Treats!
One coupon for children ten and under. This offer expires 9/31/2011

Exchange-n-Things (the Library Summer Reading Incentive Prize Program)
Stop by the library to claim your prize!
We are cleaning out our prize closets and everything must go!
Beginning August 5th and continuing throughout the month (or until everything is gone) we are rewarding your reading! Read, Read, Read and get a reward!

Please stop by or call Miss Rachee 610-623-0239 ext 5 or e-mail lacsd@delcolibraries.org


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