
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dive into a Great Book!

Summer Reading Updates and information!

Good Day Library Friends!

Surf’s up @ Your Library!
The countdown to summer begins now!

We are excited to present 2010’s Summer Reading Program which officially begins Monday June 14th! Join us for our kickoff with Piccarillo Scienctelling Wednesday, June 16th beginning at 6:30 PM!
The kickoff continues Thursday with Segal Puppets on Thursday, June 17th beginning at 10:45AM!

This summer we have two programs: Make a Splash! @ Your Library (for children infants through entering grade 5) or Make Waves @ Your Library (for children entering grades 6-12). We are excited about the activities planned as well as some changes we have made to the program!

For all ages and readers:
Reporting MUST be done online in order to be entered for the grand prize drawing.
Please see Miss Rachée with any questions.
Prizes will be announced at a later date.

Changes this year:
Pre-Readers (infant through entering kindergarten)
We have activity books available for you.
Getting Started
On the reading log you will find 8 activity squares for each week. Complete the 8 squares in any order you would like, checking them off as you go, and return to the summer reading desk to receive your fun reward. You may report only once a week. Parents and children can work together to complete the activities. Parents may read to their children, or if the child is beginning to read, the child may read to the parent.

Visit the Library and Check Out a Book: Spend some time at the library where you can complete other activities from the log and get into the habit of borrowing books regularly.

Read for 20 Minutes: Read to/with your child for 20 minutes a day. You may want to break this up during the day. Read before or after meals, at naptime or bedtime, or when you visit the library. Make sure you read some library books!

Share Rhymes and Songs: Share nursery rhymes or action rhymes in the guide with your child. Emphasize the rhymes. Spend some time singing with your child. Singing songs is a good way to help your child hear the syllables in words. Check out some music books and CDs.

Enjoy One or More Ready to Read Activities: Experiment with one or more of the suggested Ready to Read Activities for your Baby, Talker, Preschooler, or Kindergartner. Think of these activities as building blocks. You can use any of the suggested activities that you feel would benefit your child.

Sticker and Prize: When you’ve completed a week’s worth of activities, return to the Summer Reading Desk for your prize!

Readers: (children entering grades 1-5)
We have an activity book for you!
Getting Started
On the reading log you will find 8 activity squares for each week. Complete the 8 squares in any order you would like, checking them off as you go, and return to the summer reading desk to receive your fun reward. You may report only once a week but may report online as often as you would like! Parents and children can work together to complete the activities. Parents may read to their children, or if the child is beginning to read, the child may read to the parent.

Visit the Library and Check out a Book: Spend some time at the library where you can complete other activities from the log and get into the habit of borrowing books regularly.

Read for 20 Minutes: Read for 20 minutes a day. You may want to break this up throughout the day. You may read anything you like – books, magazines, newspapers, comic books, etc. Make sure you check out and read some library books!

Choose one from YOU PICK Activity List: Visit our web site: ( to see the list. Choose one activity to complete each week – you may choose the same activity or try a new one each week

Sticker and Prize: When you’ve completed a week’s worth of activities, return to the Summer Reading Desk for your prize! Also, fill out a slip to be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE

Teens: (children entering grades 6-12)
Using the game board, have the librarian stamp your card each time you complete a square.
Complete activities and receive a reward for every 5, up to 35.
Complete the entire board for an extra entry into the Lansdowne Public Library grand prize drawings. Please note; one board per participant.
Record the titles of books you’ve read online. Completed activities can be written on the board.
Ask at the desk for treasure hunts, scavenger hunts and help finding different kinds of books.
Visit the link through our website for more information (

Reporting MUST be done online in order to be entered for the grand prize drawing during our closing party.
The grand prizes will be announced at a later date.

Have You Heard?

Are you a Facebook user?
The library has a fan page! Click here to see our page and become a fan!
We are also on Twitter! Follow our tweets at Lanspublibrary!

As Always:

Please call with any questions or comments.
If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply to this e-mail.
If you are getting duplicate messages, please let me know.
If you like what you have read, forward to a friend!

Thank you all for your support,

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